
ODL 228: The State of Caregiving in America: Unpredictable Times and Charting a New Way Forward 


Caregivers are revered for the love, attention, and support they provide to the individuals in their care.  Caregiving is a stressful, relentless, unpredictable, and often unpaid role.  With a global pandemic that has uprooted all societal systems from health and behavior supports, schools and childcare, to our community and familial support systems, caregivers have experienced unprecedented and challenging times.  In this powerful presentation, Author Kate Washington will offer an honest assessment of the caregiving experience in America.  Joined later by Jenny Buckley, RN, BSN, CHPN, for a panel discussion on the diverse experiences of caregivers, the group will share resources, tools, and tips to avoid burnout, and guidance on finding additional support.